Take the test now to find out what you really are!
This quiz is unique. That’s because we can accurately determine whether you’re a Boomer, Millennial, or Gen Z at heart, based on your word choice!
Because, like everyone, you have a certain vocabulary and are attracted to certain words. And Boomers, Millennials, and Gen Z all exhibit certain preferences when it comes to specific words.
So what are you waiting for? Better take the quiz right now and find out if you’re a Boomer, Millennial, or Gen Z at heart!
By now, everyone has probably heard of these three terms. But just to be safe, we’ll explain them again here.
👉 Quiz: What generation are you truly part of?
What is a boomer, you want to know? The word boomer is derived from baby boom. Most of them were born between 1946 and 1964. So they are the post-war generation.
Boomers are often described as very conservative and stubborn. However, they are also considered a fairly happy generation.
Millennials are also known as Gen Y. Most of them were born between 1981 and 1996. The letter Y in Gen Y also has another meaning because it is pronounced like why. This makes sense since Millennials are said to question all things.
Millennials are considered well-educated and tech-savvy.
Generation Z refers to all those born between 1997 and 2012.
Members of Gen Z are often described as disillusioned, having realized that dreams and goals of previous generations rarely became a reality. To them, the separation of work and private life is sacred. Work always comes second. They are also very wedded to the Internet and rarely offline. Gen Z is often said to have difficulty making decisions because of the many choices available to them.
👉 Quiz: What generation am I? Uncover your generational identity with our exciting quiz!