Which pizza are you? Quiz

Which pizza are you?

You're a fan of pizza? We too! But have you ever wondered which kind of pizza you are? Take the quiz and find out!

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Which pizza is most like you?

There are countless different ways on how to prepare a pizza. Some like it with pepperoni, some with ham, others with fish. Some don’t even want any meat on it! You like pineapples, but not on a pizza? Take this quiz to find out which pizza is most like you! Are you like your favorite pizza?

What’s the best pizza?

That’s a highly subjective question, but what do you think? Will the result of this quiz give you the ultimate pizza you should definitely try out soon? Find out!

Can we guess your favorite pizza?

If you want, you can even take this quiz to let us find out your favorite pizza. Do you think we can guess it?

👉 Which Pizza Topping Are You?