Which Greek god are you? | Quiz | Find out which god you are!

Which Greek god are you?

The Greek pantheon is full of exciting deities. But if you were a Greek god, which one would you be? Ares, the god of war, Hades, god of death, or rather Dionysus, god of wine and insanity? Find out with this quiz!

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Greek gods

Greek mythology and the Greek pantheon are fascinating. There are just so many exciting stories that still shape the world. But the centerpiece of almost every Greek story in its mythology is one of the Olympian gods. And these stories are intense!

The Greek gods were a dynamic bunch with individual personalities, abilities, motivations, and agendas. If you’re a fan of Greek mythology and Greek gods, you should take this quiz immediately and find out which Greek god is most like you!

What are you waiting for? Take the test now!

Who are you among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Take the test and find out!

Which Greek god are you based on your personality?

Have you ever wondered which Greek god is most like you? It seems like a strange question at first, but there are plenty of them, so there is definitely one like you!

Are you a lover of knowledge and wisdom? Are you filled with strength and power, or are you more like the god of mischief and chaos? Maybe you’re creative and passionate about expressing yourself.

Are you an angel or a demon? Or a mix of both? Find out now!

Find out which Greek god best matches your personality by taking this quiz! You will gain insight into which Greek god best represents your innermost self by answering a few simple questions about your likes, dislikes, beliefs, and disbeliefs.

This quiz analyzes every answer you give to determine which Greek god is most like you. So, be careful which answers you pick!

Take the quiz now and discover which Greek god is most similar to you! You might just find a kindred spirit in one of the gods!

Rate these statements, and we’ll reveal which mythical creature would be your ideal pet!

Greek god names

Here’s a list of the major Greek gods. There are many, many more in Greek mythology; this is just a small part, but the most important one.

Most of these are part of the twelve Olympians, the gods who reside on Mount Olympus. Heracles, the demigod, later became part of the Olympians.

Do you want your very own Greek god name? Our Greek god name generator is here to help!

Zeus: Greek King of the gods

Zeus is part of the twelve Olympians and is not only known as the King of gods but also as the god of the sky, god of lightning, god of thunder, god of law, god of order, and god of justice. But he also has the ability to turn into animals. And this ability is often used to stalk women and have fun with them. Naughty!

The Roman equivalent of Zeus is Jupiter.

Who would you be in a fantasy world? Answering these statements will reveal it!

Hera: Greek Queen of the gods

Hera is part of the twelve Olympians and is known not only as the Queen of gods, but also as goddess of marriage, goddess of women, goddess of childbirth, and goddess of family. She is the sister and wife of Zeus, as weird as that may sound.

The Roman equivalent of Hera is Juno.

Poseidon: Greek god of the sea

Poseidon is part of the twelve Olympians and is known not only as the god of the sea but also as god of storms, god of earthquakes, and god of horses. He is also the protector of seafarers, who pray to him for a safe crossing.

The Roman equivalent of Poseidon is Neptune.

Demeter: Greek goddess of harvest

Demeter is part of the twelve Olympians and is not only known as the goddess of harvest but also as goddess of agriculture, goddess of fertility, and goddess of sacred law. Also, she presides over the cycle of life and death, so don’t mess with Demeter! Without Demeter, humanity couldn’t exist as we know it today.

The Roman equivalent of Demeter is Ceres.

Athena: Greek goddess of wisdom

Athena is part of the twelve Olympians and is known not only as the goddess of wisdom but also as goddess of handicraft and goddess of warfare. She is also the protectress of various cities across Greece, particularly the city of Athens, of course. Her symbols are owls, olive trees, and snakes.

The Roman equivalent of Athena is Minerva.

Apollo: Greek god of sunlight

Apollo is part of the twelve Olympians and a god like no other because he is not just the god of sunlight; no, he is also the god of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young. Well, that’s a god with lots of power. It’s best to have him on your side.

The Roman equivalent of Apollo is the same: Apollo!

Artemis: Greek goddess of the hunt

Artemis is part of the twelve Olympians and is not only known as the goddess of the hunt but also as the goddess of the wilderness, goddess of wild animals, goddess of the moon, and goddess of chastity. She is also the patron and protector of young children and women. It is believed that she both brings disease upon women and children and relieves them of it. Artemis prefers to remain a maiden and swore never to marry.

The Roman equivalent of Artemis is Diana.

Ares: Greek god of war

Ares is part of the twelve Olympians and is known not only as the god of war but also the god of courage. The Greeks were very ambivalent towards him since he personified bloodlust and brutality but also the valor needed for success in war. That’s the reason why he was hated not only by the Greek population and the Greek gods while still being a male role model in ancient Greece.

The Roman equivalent of Ares is Mars.

Aphrodite: Greek goddess of love

Aphrodite is part of the twelve Olympians and is known not only as the goddess of love but also the goddess of beauty and sexuality. Her major symbols are myrtles, roses, and doves. She is also associated with lust, pleasure, passion, and procreation. Even though she is married to Hephaestus, she is very unfaithful and has had a lot of lovers.

The Roman equivalent of Aphrodite is Venus.

Hephaestus: Greek god of fire

Hephaestus is part of the twelve Olympians and is known not only as the god of fire but also as god of volcanoes, god of metalworking, god of stone masonry, god of forges, god of the art of sculpture, god of technology, and god of blacksmiths. He is responsible for all the weapons of the gods in Olympus.

The Roman equivalent of Hephaestus is Vulcan.

Hermes: Greek herald of the gods

Hermes is part of the twelve Olympians and is a god like no other. He is not only known as the herald of the gods but also as the god of boundaries, god of roads and travelers, god of thieves, god of athletes, god of shepherds, god of commerce, god of speed, god of cunning, god of wit, and sleep. But most importantly, he’s a divine messenger and the Greek Psychopomp, a deity who escorts newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife.

The Roman equivalent of Hermes is Mercury.

Hestia: Greek goddess of the hearth

Hestia is not only known as the goddess of the hearth but also as the goddess of home, goddess of domesticity, goddess of virginity, goddess of family, and goddess of the state. Traditionally in Greek culture, Hestia received the first offering at any sacrifice that happened in the household.

Hestia and Dionysus are both regarded as the twelfth Olympian. Why so? Scroll down to learn more.

The Roman equivalent of Hestia is Vesta.

Dionysus: Greek god of wine and winemaking

Dionysus is known not only as the god of wine winemaking but also as the god of the vine, god of vegetation, god of fertility, god of festivity, god of ritual madness, and god of religious ecstasy. Since wine played such a significant role in Greek culture, Dionysus was considered a very important god.

Hestia and Dionysus are both regarded as the twelfth Olympian. Why so? Scroll down to learn more.

The Roman equivalent of Dionysus is Bacchus or Liber Pater.

Hades: Greek King of the Underworld

Hades is not part of the twelve Olympians since he resides in the underworld, with which his name became synonymous. He is not only known as the god of the Underworld but also as the god of the dead and god of riches. He is the older brother of Zeus and Poseidon and the father of many monsters.

The Roman equivalent of Hades is Pluto.

Heracles: Greek Divine protector of mankind

Since Heracles is a demigod, the son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene, he wasn’t originally part of the Olympians but got promoted later in his life to one. He is not only known as the divine protector of mankind but also as the patron of gymnasiums. He is the greatest of the Greek heroes and champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters.

The Roman equivalent of Heracles is Hercules.

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Who is the twelfth Olympian: Hestia or Dionysus?

Since you’ve read this far, you might be wondering why they are called twelve Olympians when there are more. Well, that’s a more difficult question to answer than you might think.

In ancient Greece, people agreed that there were twelve Olympian gods. But they didn’t specifically determine which these are. Depending on where you asked in ancient Greece, people would state that Dionysus was part of the Olympians. In contrast, others would claim that Hestia is.

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The reasons for this are plentiful. But you have to keep in mind several things:

In the end, it’s all up to you. Whether you believe Hestia or Dionysus is the twelfth Olympian depends on what resonates with you most. Especially in our times, where we strive for individualism and self-expression, both gods can serve as an example of resilience and strength.

So if you’d ask us, we’d say either one can be the twelfth Olympian of your pantheon. It’s a matter of what speaks to you and which lessons it teaches you.

May Hestia and Dionysus bring you strength, peace, and wisdom!

Difference between Greek and Roman gods

You may or may not know about this, but the Romans borrowed their gods from the Greeks! Yes, you heard right! Mostly, only their names changed. But sometimes, the Romans even added some stories to the Greek repertoire.

Want your very own Roman god name? Our Roman god name generator will give you one!

But since a lot of people either know the Greek or the Roman name of these gods, we’ve decided to make things easier for you. That’s why we mention the Roman name of your result as well! But don’t get confused; most of our planets share the same name because they were named after the Roman gods.

For example, Jupiter and Zeus share the same name because they are the same god. Similarly, a lot of other gods have their Roman equivalent as well. Like Ares and Mars, Poseidon and Neptune, Demeter and Ceres—and of course, Hades and Pluto.

Gods and superheroes have a lot in common! Which superhero are you?

So don’t worry about getting confused between the Greek and Roman gods; it’s all part of the same universe! Just remember to pay attention to their stories so you can understand how each god contributes to our understanding of the world

So the next time you feel like connecting with your favorite god or goddess, think twice about which one it should be! And don’t forget to mention their Roman name too, so you can make sure your friends understand who it is too!

Which historical figure is most like you? Find out now!