How many dogs could you bribe to take a selfie with a cat?

How many dogs could you bribe to take a selfie with a cat?

Are you a natural dog whisperer and able to bribe over a hundred dogs to take a selfie with a cat? Find out!

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Dog quiz

It seems like every day there’s a new study about how dogs are better than cats, or vice versa. But what if we could all just get along? We’re not saying it would be easy, but bribing a dog to take a selfie with a cat is a start. But for doing so, you need to be a natural dog whisperer. Do you think you have what it takes to bribe over a hundred dogs to take a selfie with a cat? Take our fun quiz to find out!

How many dogs could you bribe to take a selfie with a cat?

This is, of course, just a hypothetical question. We’re not condoning bribery or asking you to do anything illegal. But it’s a fun way to find out how well you know dogs and how they tick! People often say dogs are easily manipulated, but we beg to differ. They’re just easily bribed! Just think about all the times you’ve given your dog a treat to get them to do something you want. Now, let’s see how many dogs you could bribe to take a selfie with a cat … Take the quiz now to see how many dogs you could bribe to take a selfie with a cat. The results may surprise you!

Dog selfie

Dog selfies are all the rage these days. But have you ever tried to take one with a cat? We’re not saying it’s impossible, but it’s definitely not easy. Cats are notoriously independent creatures, and they don’t always want to do what you want them to do. That’s why bribery is key when it comes to taking a selfie with a cat. But how many dogs would you need to bribe to get the perfect selfie? Take our quiz and find out!

Dogs vs. cats

There’s no denying that dogs and cats are two very different animals. Dogs are typically considered to be more obedient and easy to train than cats. But does that mean they’re easier to bribe? We’ll let you be the judge of that. Take our quiz and find out how many dogs you could bribe to take a selfie with a cat. The results may surprise you!

👉 Is my cat a psychopath? Let's find out! | Sociopath cat quiz

What dog should I get?

Are you wondering which dog is the perfect fit for you? Well, we’ve got good news: There is just the quiz for you. Check out our fantastic What dog should I get? quiz and find out which dog is perfect for you!