Quiz: How does your cat plot your death? | Fun quiz

How does your cat plot your death?

Is your cat behaving strangely? Maybe it's up to no good ... Better take this quiz and find out if your cat is plotting your death!

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How does your cat plot your death?

Is your cat behaving strangely lately? Maybe it’s up to no good …

We all love our cats and think we know them – but do we actually? It turns out that cats are pretty good at hiding their true nature from us and that they may, in fact, be secretly plotting to kill us.

If you fear for your life because your cat is acting odd, you should better take this quiz and find out if your cat is plotting your death!

Take the quiz now before it is too late!

Signs your cat is trying to kill you

Studies have shown that 92.4 % of all cats have, at some point in their lives, attempted to kill their human. The reasons for this vary, but often it is because the cat feels that its human is not providing enough food, attention, or love. Or maybe the cat’s human is just standing between them and world domination.

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Here are some signs that your cat is up to something sinister:

If you see any of these signs in your cat, be on the lookout – your life may be in danger!

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How to protect yourself from a murderous cat

Now that you know some of the signs that your cat may be plotting to kill you, it’s time to learn how to protect yourself.

Here are some helpful things you can do to protect yourself from your cat’s murderous intentions:

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure your safety from your cat’s murderous plans!

Cute cats & funny cats

That’s, of course, all just a joke – your cat would never actually try to kill you (probably). But just in case, it’s always good to be prepared!

In the meantime, enjoy our other cat content! We’re sure you’ll enjoy it a lot!

Warrior Cats

Many cat fans are also fans of the Warrior Cats! If you’re one of them, check out our quiz to find out which Warrior Cat you are!

Or do you want your own Warrior Cat name? Check out our Warrior Cat name generator!