Color blind test | Take the Ishihara test now!

Color blind test

Do you fear being color blind? Take this color blind test to find out if you are color blind!

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Color blind test

For many, color makes up a large part of their daily lives. For those with color blindness, however, color can be more difficult to see.

Color blindness is a condition where certain colors are difficult or impossible to distinguish.

If you’re wondering if you or a loved one may be colorblind, take our color blind test.

This quick and easy test can help you determine if you have color blindness. To take the test, simply look at the images and answer the questions.

If you’re unable to see the colors in the images, you may be colorblind. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you think you may have color blindness.

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Color blindness

When we speak of color blindness, we are referring to the inability to see color or to see color differently than other people. Color blindness can make it difficult to distinguish between certain colors, such as green and red or blue and yellow.

Color blindness is a relatively common condition, affecting approximately 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. There are different types of color blindness, and it can be inherited or acquired.

Color blindness can make everyday activities more difficult. While it can be frustrating for those affected, color blindness doesn’t have to be a hindrance. But with the help of colorblindness glasses, contact lenses, and other treatments, people with color blindness can often lead normal lives.

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If you think you may be colorblind, take our color blind test. This quick and easy test can help you determine if you have color blindness. To take the test, simply look at the images and answer the questions. If you’re unable to see the colors in the images, you’re probably color blind.

Ishihara test

The color blind test featured on our website is the Ishihara test. It is a color perception test for red-green color blindness. It was named after its designer, Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who first published it in 1917.

The test consists of a series of color plates, each of which contains a number or shape within a circle of dots in varying colors and densities. The person taking the test is asked to identify the number or shape.

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If you have color blindness, you will not be able to see the number or shape correctly. The test is considered to be reliable, but it is not perfect. Some people with color blindness can pass the test, while others with normal color vision can fail it.

If you think you might be color blind, take our color blind test to find out.


This is not a scientifically proven test and can only indicate if you’re color blind or not. If you want to find out with a certainty of 100 %, please visit an optician.